10 Reasons I Won’t Get the Vaccine

I just read an article on www.mercola.com by Christian Elliot entitled, “Why I Won’t Be Getting the Vaccine.” I decided to write my own article highlighting some of his points and adding some of my own:

1. The Minuscule Death Rate from COVID — As noted in previous newsletters, the CDC admits that COVID has a 99.74% overall survival rate. Why would I take a “vaccine” for a disease that has a 0.26% chance of killing me? But haven’t hundreds of thousands of Americans died from this? Read on . . .

2. Fake Death Numbers — A half million Americans have not died from COVID, but rather with COVID, or at least a supposedly positive PCR test. The CDC again admits that only 6% of the deaths listed as COVID were exclusively from that cause — that is, 94% had underlying comorbidities — obesity, diabetes, or other chronic diseases. COVID exclusively has killed far fewer people than an average flu season does.

3. Distorted Testing Standards — Millions have supposedly tested “positive” for coronavirus infection, yet 99% of these so-called “cases” are either completely asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledged last year in the New England Journal of Medicine that, “the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 are similar to those of severe seasonal influenza.” The amplification process known as “cycling” used in the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing for COVID was, during the Trump administration, typically amplifying the presence of the virus with up to 40 cycles, even though it is only 100% accurate at 17 cycles or below. Thus, most of the so-called positive tests did not have clinically significant levels of the virus to produce severe symptoms — i. e. lots of false positives. At the beginning of the Biden administration (what a coincidence of timing) the WHO changed it’s guidance to suggest 25 cycles instead to eliminate many of these false positives, and so the lapdog media could proclaim the success of the new administration in lowering the number of cases.

4. Vaccines Stop Neither Infection or Transmission — The “vaccines” only claim to lower your symptoms if you do get infected, though the info sheet people are given for the Pfizer vaccine says that “in the clinical trial” the vaccine prevented COVID-19. But on the same sheet it says, “the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect everyone.” Then we have Lord Fauci, who said in making one of his ridiculous statements for why everyone needed to keep wearing masks:

And the reason is very clear that the primary endpoint of the vaccine trial was clinically apparent infection. So you could conceivably get infected, get no symptoms and still have virus in your nasal pharynx, which means that you would have to wear a mask to prevent you from infecting someone else, as well as the other side of the coin, where you may not be totally protected yourself.” 

In other words the vaccine stops neither infection nor transmission, so why take it?

5. Fully Vaccinated People are Still Getting COVID — As noted above, the vaccine doesn’t absolutely prevent you from getting the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Over 100 people in Washington state have tested positive for COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated — what epidemiologists call “breakthrough cases.” This has also been reported in New York, Michigan, Hawaii and other states. Of 35 nuns who received the vaccine in Kentucky, 80% still got COVID and two of them died.

6. Adverse Vaccine Reactions are Common — According to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) of the CDC, there have been over 2200 deaths and upwards of 60,000 adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines. It should be noted that a past Harvard study commission by the federal government noted that less than 1% of adverse vaccine reactions are actually reported to VAERS. My personal physician, who advises against the vaccine, told me a couple weeks ago he had seen three patients that day with vaccine reactions.

7. Vaccine Manufacturers are Protected from Liability — Thanks to Congress, you have very limited legal recourse if you are injured (or killed) by a vaccine. If I want to be charitable, I will say they did this in order to encourage vaccines to be made, lest the risk be too great for a pharmaceutical company to undertake. If I’m being cynical I would say this is because the pharmaceutical companies bought Congress with campaign contributions to protect their profitability. I lean toward cynical.

8. COVID Can Usually Be Prevented Naturally — As noted in several previous newsletters, some basic supplements usually will prevent COVID or other upper respiratory infections. These include vitamin D, zinc. quercetin, vitamin C, vitamin A, selenium, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, curcumin and others.

9. COVID Can Usually Be Treated Simply — If I actually contract the COVID infection, my personal physician, in addition to the above preventive things I’m already doing, would immediately put me on Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and other remedies that groups like America’s Frontline Doctors (www.aflds.com) are using to clear up COVID in typically three days. I would also immediately start doing the Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide treatment several times a day, as written about in a previous newsletter.

10. I Have an Autoimmune Disease — This reason won’t apply to most of you (though it will to some). I have Addison’s Disease, which is the non-functioning of the adrenal glands, for which I take replacement corticosteroids. My personal physicians for years have told me to never get any vaccine, given vaccines can trigger serious or even fatal autoimmune reactions. I would add they can also produce an autoimmune disease in someone. A recent trip to the ER for sutures in my forehead after a bloody fall over a garbage can confirmed this. As soon as I told them I wouldn’t take a tetanus shot and hadn’t had a COVID vaccination due to an autoimmune disease, they shut up.

I don’t know which has been worse this past year — the outright deception or the unbridled stupidity that has characterized the whole pandemic saga. People mostly just need to exercise a little common sense (which isn’t very common) and reject the media narratives in favor of the real scientific facts — facts rarely discussed and often ignored.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​— Monte Kline, Ph.D.